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Pediatric Chiropractic in Idaho Falls and Rexburg

Childhood is rough—full of slips, bumps, falls, sports injuries, climbing trees, and jumping off of things that make no sense to adults! At Summit Spine and Sport Chiropractic , we want to help kids live their best life, so they can continue doing all those things that make kids, kids.

Even infants, who haven’t done anything yet, have already been through a major trauma from the birth process—after all, they came out crying for a reason. By adjusting newborns, we can help correct misalignments early, so that their musculoskeletal and nervous systems are set up for success.

Making Care a Game

Infants are easy to adjust and often sleep right through it. For toddlers and older kids who may have some resistance to going to any doctor, our first goal is to ensure they enjoy the experience. We want to create a foundation of fun and trust, so they’ll continue to get regular chiropractic care for life.

Our chiropractors are parents, and they’re great at building rapport and making adjustments a game for kids. We have toys, and various ways to help put kids at ease. But if a child can’t get past their nervousness, that’s okay—we will never force an adjustment. Generally, within a few visits, even the most resistant child decides to give it a try.

Frequency of Adjustments

We recommend having babies and toddlers checked after any fall or accident, as well as at developmental milestones such as birth, rolling over and standing/walking, and then about every six to ten months after that. For older kids, we like to check them after growth spurts. These regular checkups and adjustments help keep the brain/body communication flowing optimally.

Anytime your child has trouble sleeping, balance issues, digestive problems or a change in attitude or behavior is also a good time to get checked—those are signals that something is causing stress in the nervous system, and chiropractic can help.

Book Today

Contact us today to book your child’s appointment at our Idaho Falls or Rexburg location.


Pediatric Chiropractic Idaho Falls, Rexburg ID | Summit Spine and Sport Chiropractic